Front Page Posts

  • Black Renaissance Brings Fresh Beats and Award-Winning Talent to Moriarty’s

    Black Renaissance jams on stage at Moriartys

    Black Renaissance Brings Fresh Rhythm and Award-Winning Talent to Moriarty’s

    A lucky crowd witnessed a remarkable performance on a recent Tuesday night at Moriarty’s Bar, a local haven for live music enthusiasts. The evening was not just another gig; it was a showcase of extraordinary talent and musical innovation, featuring the sensational quartet, Black Renaissance. With a lineup boasting the talents of frontman Kevin Brewster on saxophone, drummer Joshua Watkins, pianist Sequoia Snyder, and bassist Brandon Rose, the group brought a fresh perspective to jazz, blending it with modern sensibilities and influences that captivated everyone present.

    Black Renaissance is not just any emerging band. The quartet’s roots are deeply embedded in the rich soil of academic excellence and musical prowess, with Rose and Watkins being recognized for their outstanding skills at the prestigious 2022 Jack Rudin Jazz Championship at Lincoln Center. Their achievements speak volumes, with Rose winning Outstanding Bass and Watkins Outstanding Drums, propelling Michigan State University College of Music to first place overall. These accolades are not just personal triumphs but a testament to the high caliber of musicianship within the band.

    The night began with Watkins setting the stage, delivering a steady, hip-hop-inspired beat that laid the foundation for what was to become an unforgettable musical journey. This unconventional start was a prelude to the band’s innovative approach to jazz, merging traditional elements with a modern twist that resonated with the audience. As the set progressed, the synergy between Snyder’s piano, Rose’s bass, and Watkins’ drums created a compelling backdrop for Brewster’s saxophone, each member showcasing their individual talents while maintaining an impeccable harmony.

    The ambiance of Moriarty’s Bar, typically a cozy spot for casual drinks and conversations, was transformed into an electrifying concert venue. The audience, pulled into the quartet’s incredible sound, watched with inspired awe the seamless blend of individual prowess and collective harmony, witness to an extraordinary musical conversation that flowed effortlessly among band members.

    As the final note resonated through the packed room, the air was filled with thunderous applause, a fitting culmination to an evening of groundbreaking music. The smiles on the faces of the Black Renaissance members were a reflection of their passion and the joy they derived from their performance, a sentiment evidently shared by the audience.

    Black Renaissance is set to take the stage at the Blue Llama in Grand Rapids. If their show at Moriarty’s Bar is anything to go by, audiences are in for a treat.

  • Wilder Honey Record Release Hoedown

    Wilder Honey on stage at Moriarty’s Pub

    Wilder Honey Record Release Hoedown Fires Up Mort’s

    Moriarty’s Pub in Lansing witnessed an exceptional performance by the Wild Honey Collective, a band known for its unique blend of folk and Americana, tinged with psychedelic overtones. The event, marked by a fantastic turnout, saw many luminaries from the Lansing music scene gathering to savor an evening of high-energy and communal joy.

    The Wilder Honey Configuration

    The night kicked off with Wilder Honey, a smaller version of the band featuring the talents of Tommy McCord on acoustic guitar and Adam Aymor on pedal steel guitar. The show coincides with the first album release of this smaller subset of the band, the self-titled EP Wilderhoney. The absence of Grand Rapids-based members Dan O’Brien and Timmy Rodriguez did little to dampen the spirits. Instead, McCord, ever the embodiment of the band’s collective spirit, invited guest guitarists and vocalists to join the stage, enriching the evening’s lineup and adding to the communal ambiance.

    An Evolving Soundscape

    As the night progressed, the energy within Moriarty’s Pub steadily grew. The initial duet performance by Wilder Honey set the mood as patrons finished their dinners and sipped on drinks. However, the atmosphere shifted gears as the evening progressed, evolving into a vibrant, folksy amaricana spectacle. Energized by the music the audience couldn’t resist the urge to dance, adding a lively jig to the mix.

    A Surprising Twist with Danielle Gyger

    A notable twist in the evening’s proceedings was the appearance of Danielle Gyger, initially thought to be unavailable. Gyger, a core member of the collective, spent most of the evening amongst the audience, absorbing the energy of the room. In a delightful turn, she joined the band for several songs, adding her unique flair to the performance.

    The Climactic Hoedown

    The final set of the night was nothing short of spectacular. The band delivered a raucous, high-energy rendition of North Country, with Gyger briefly rejoining the ensemble. The performance culminated in an extended improvisational bluegrass session, with band members riffing off each other in an electrifying display of musical synergy. The climax saw Gyger and McCord joining the audience on the dance floor, transforming the pub into a full-on Michigan-style hoedown.

    A Perfect Harmony of Ebb and Flow

    The entire show was a masterclass in balancing the ebb and flow of energy, starting with a serene, intimate setting and gradually building into a lively, communal celebration. The Wild Honey Collective, true to its name, brought together diverse musical elements and talents, creating an evening that was not only a musical treat but a celebration of community and togetherness.

    This remarkable event at Moriarty’s Pub underscores the Wild Honey Collective’s ability to adapt and thrive. Their music, deeply rooted in the traditions of folk and country, yet open to improvisation and collaboration, resonates with a wide range of audiences, making them a beloved staple in Michigan’s vibrant music scene.

  • Tangelo Heats up the Eastside in Energetic Show with SugarFang and Olivia Hoover

    Tangelo on stage at The Avenue

    Tangelo Heats up the Eastside in Energetic Show with SugarFang and Olivia Hoover

    In a night filled with musical camaraderie and a touch of space-age flair, Tangelo took center stage Friday night at The Avenue, following SugarFang (née The War Balloons) and Philly-based Olivia Hoover, proved to be an unforgettable experience for the lucky few who braved the apocalyptic snowstorm to attend.

    Perhaps in part because of the adverse weather conditions, the intimate gathering of fans created a warm and friendly atmosphere. The bands, all friends with a history of collaboration, made the most of the cozy setting, creating a night filled with surprises and shared musical moments, including Cam Varner, brother of Tangelo lead singer Brad, playing drums for all three bands.

    Opening act Olivia Hoover stole the show with her energetic performance that had the audience on their feet from the start. Her ability to connect with the crowd resulted in an infectious energy, encouraging everyone to join in and dance the night away.

    SugarFang, previously known as The War Balloons demonstrated their fresh identity in one of their first shows under the new moniker. The audience witnessed the evolution of the band, embracing their renewed sound and enthusiasm.

    Adding a touch of whimsy to the evening, Tangelo adorned themselves in space-themed outfits. Rey Elly donned a sparkly skirt and midriff top, while Brent sported a bright orange full-body space suit, adding to the party vibe with hint of glitter on all band members faces.

    The snowstorm may have limited the size of the audience, but it didn’t dampen the spirits of those in attendance. The smaller crowd fostered a sense of intimacy, with members from each band making cameo appearances in one another’s sets, showcasing the tight-knit musical community they share. These impromptu collaborations added an extra layer of excitement and unpredictability to an already memorable evening.

    In the end, the show in Lansing proved that a combination of talented musicians, supportive friendships, and a sprinkle of creativity can turn even a snowstorm into the backdrop for an unforgettable night of music. Tangelo, SugarFang, and Olivia Hoover showcased the power of unity and musical passion in the local music scene.