"Funny Girl" is a classic Broadway musical that first opened in 1964 at the Winter Garden Theatre. The show is a semi-biographical tale, focusing on the life and career of Fanny Brice, a famous comedian and Broadway star. It explores her tumultuous relationship with entrepreneur and gambler Nicky Arnstein. The musical is noted for its […]
"Funny Girl" is a classic Broadway musical that first opened in 1964 at the Winter Garden Theatre. The show is a semi-biographical tale, focusing on the life and career of Fanny Brice, a famous comedian and Broadway star. It explores her tumultuous relationship with entrepreneur and gambler Nicky Arnstein. The musical is noted for its […]
"Funny Girl" is a classic Broadway musical that first opened in 1964 at the Winter Garden Theatre. The show is a semi-biographical tale, focusing on the life and career of Fanny Brice, a famous comedian and Broadway star. It explores her tumultuous relationship with entrepreneur and gambler Nicky Arnstein. The musical is noted for its […]
Bring an instrument or sit back and enjoy dinner and a lively evening of world class Jazz at this popular event.
Tuesday Game Nights is a gathering for board game enthusiasts and casual players alike. The casual, friendly atmosphere of The Avenue makes it an ideal spot for both experienced gamers and newcomers to enjoy a night of strategy, competition, and fun in a relaxed setting.
Sign-up starts at 8:30 p.m., music is from 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. Open Mic Night with Jen Sygit is a celebrated event in the Lansing area, showcasing the talents of both local and visiting artists. Jen Sygit, a highly regarded singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist in the Michigan music scene, has been a prominent figure […]
Funk, house, techno, drum and base and more every Thursday.
"The Exonerated," directed by Alan Greenberg, unfolds on the Black Box Stage in February, bringing to life the harrowing and true stories of six individuals. These characters, comprised of five men and a woman, each endured the grave injustice of being wrongfully sentenced to death for crimes they did not commit. Their collective experiences span […]
Friday Karaoke at The Avenue Cafe in Lansing, Michigan, is a lively and engaging event that has become a staple for locals and visitors alike. Held every Friday from 9:00 pm to 1:30 am, this event offers a blend of music, socializing, and culinary delights from Ruckus Ramen. Whether you're a seasoned singer or just looking […]
"The Exonerated," directed by Alan Greenberg, unfolds on the Black Box Stage in February, bringing to life the harrowing and true stories of six individuals. These characters, comprised of five men and a woman, each endured the grave injustice of being wrongfully sentenced to death for crimes they did not commit. Their collective experiences span […]
"The Exonerated," directed by Alan Greenberg, unfolds on the Black Box Stage in February, bringing to life the harrowing and true stories of six individuals. These characters, comprised of five men and a woman, each endured the grave injustice of being wrongfully sentenced to death for crimes they did not commit. Their collective experiences span […]
Members from the eclectic group La La Delivery partner with the dynamic Sara Tea to form the collaboration known as LaTea; members of Narc Out the Reds and The Plurals come together to perform as Mad Moon.
Bring an instrument or sit back and enjoy dinner and a lively evening of world class Jazz at this popular event.
Tuesday Game Nights is a gathering for board game enthusiasts and casual players alike. The casual, friendly atmosphere of The Avenue makes it an ideal spot for both experienced gamers and newcomers to enjoy a night of strategy, competition, and fun in a relaxed setting.