In a unique blend of talent and musical exploration, members from the eclectic group La La Delivery have partnered with the dynamic Sara Tea to form the collaboration known as LaTea. This innovative ensemble promises a fresh fusion of sounds, bringing together the distinctive styles of La La Delivery’s experimental approach with Sara Tea’s signature energy and creativity. Their performance is highly anticipated, promising an evening of innovative music that will captivate audiences with its originality and dynamic range.
In another exciting collaboration, members of Narc Out the Reds and The Plurals have come together to create Mad Moon, a supergroup that combines the strengths of both bands into a compelling new entity. Narc Out the Reds, known for their sharp lyrical insights and intricate compositions, merges seamlessly with The Plurals’ punk-inflected melodies and earnest vocals. This union is expected to deliver a powerful performance that blends the best of indie rock with elements of punk and alternative, showcasing the depth and diversity of Lansing, Michigan’s music scene.
Both LaTea and Mad Moon are set to perform on Sunday at the Avenue in Lansing, Michigan, promising a night of memorable music that highlights the innovative spirit and collaborative nature of the local scene. These performances not only showcase the talent and creativity of the involved musicians but also reflect the vibrant and supportive community that nurtures and celebrates its emerging artists. Audiences can expect a night filled with passion, innovation, and the unique sounds that emerge when talented artists come together to create something truly special.
Doors at 7, show starts at 7:30 and wraps by 9:30.
Snakzilla Kitchen open 7 to 11 p.m.